Friday, October 24, 2008

Propecia: Doubts Disappear Only After Its Application

Wondering and asking questions to comprehend environment is the natural thing for humans. As the matter of fact, that is very pragmatic and rational approach because the plenty of knowledge is always better then leak of it. So, to those men who are living with baldness is important to find how alopecia affects and what the treatment is.

According to the facts, very many men are suffering from baldness but very fewer men know the reason and cause of this condition. Those who know the cause can keep it under control but the rest has to deal with problem which alopecia causes.

Male alopecia is caused by the work of the certain hormone Testosterone. This hormone is produced in the male body since the very beginning of life and helps in developing from boy to adult man. Testosterone controls all processes which make changes in the body of a boy which include development of muscles in different body parts, growth of moustaches, beard and growth of pubic hair.

The bad part is that after completion of its work, Testosterone synthesizes into Dihydotestosterone which accumulates with years in the hair follicles, mainly in the scalp. So, it’s the Dihydotestosterone which leads to thinner and falling of hair. According to this, the remedy for male baldness should stop the production of Dihydotestosterone, prevent conversion of Testosterone. This way, Propecia was discovered, a prime remedy with such way of work which positively works in 95% of bald men.

Propecia is a FDA approved medication which restricts the conversion of Testosterone into Dihydotestosterone but instead converts it into 5-Alpha Dihydotestosterone which don’t cause any harm to hair. When taking Propecia, hair follicles on scalp remain working, which stimulates growth of healthy and strong hair.

Propecia is available in pill form with different dosage. The daily dosage is prescribed by doctor and should be taken on regularly basis. As soon as man stops using Propecia, the alopecia returns in full form. Beside Propecia, as any other drug it might have adverse effects so the doctor consultation is required before start using it. However, adverse reactions occur in rare cases and FDA’s approval for Propecia is the proof for this fact.

To get more information about generic propecia please visit